The BICEPS Network organizes workshops with carriers and chain partners (as for instance ports, solution providers, etc) to support the application and acceleration of sustainable initiatives and innovations. These are events also for new-interested shippers and chain parties to get involved and come into action to realize sustainable shipping.
Next to that the BICEPS Network organizes several events and sessions for their members and partners only about the development of the network and its actions.
– BlueWeek – ‘The Future of Ocean Energy and Shipping – are we ready of the energy transition?’
From 26-29 May 2020 is the online international maritime and shipping conference about the decarbonization and energy transition of shipping industry with presentations and discussion on technological developments of zero emission shipping, ocean energy and natural propulsion. And on 27th is a Forum about the ‘Future of Shipping’ with Port of Rotterdam, Shell, Engie, KVNR and BICEPS Network about scaling up of innovations and collaborations for the energy transition.
See special magazine about BlueWeek: MARIN report on The Future of Ocean Energy and Shipping
See article about BICEPS Network: MARIN – Report 2020 – BICEPS Network
Agenda and free registration for BlueWeek: Program BlueForum
– Follow up and next steps of biofuel pilot by DSGC-Maersk Clean Ocean shipping coalition
Publications on the follow-up and next steps of the bio fuel pilot project as input for discussion on developments and implementation of innovations towards decarbonization of the shipping sector.
An article was published in the Dutch Financial Times in a magazine on the maritime sector.
See: Dutch Financial Times ‘Martime Sector’ – article on coalition for greener container shipping
And Information Document on the follow up of the biofuel pilot by DSGC-Maersk Clean Ocean Shipping coalition
Website DSGC: Maritime biofuel pilot demonstrates significant effect
And the DSGC Information Document: Clean Ocean Shipping pilot project
– Clean Ocean Shipping pilot of DSGC-Maersk a great success. And Maersk launch Carbon-neutral transport product.
Convinced of the urgency to act on climate, a group of Dutch multinationals – DSM, FrieslandCampina, Heineken, Philips, Shell and Unilever – all members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) – joined forces with A.P. Moller – Maersk to take a tangible step towards the decarbonization of ocean shipping.
In March a biofuel pilot was launched for ocean container freight of a Triple E ship Mette Maersk, using up to 20% sustainable 2nd generation biofuels on trade lane Rotterdam-Shanghai-Rotterdam. And the ship arrived back on 20th June with very good results and insights: technical, environmentally and economical, which has led to follow-ups.
See: DSGC-press release ‘Maritime biofuel-pilot a great success’ (20 June 2019)
Carbon-neutral transport product by Maersk – see press release (20 June 2019)
– Clean Ocean Shipping pilot of DSGC with Maersk
BICEPS members DSM and FrieslandCampina join forces with other Dutch multinationals Heineken, Philips, Unilever and Shell of Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) with Maersk in 2nd generation biofuel pilot in an EEE-containership on roundtrip Rotterdam-Shanghai-Rotterdam to test and show economical, environmental and technical feasibility.
See DSGC-Press-release-Clean-Shipping-DSGC-and-Maersk (22 March 2019)
– BICEPS Network Innovation Workshop – “Scale-up of alternative fuels?”
Impression of the last workshop of chain partners working together on the challenge of “How to create effective logistic chains with sustainable shipping (with clean fuels)?!”.
With inspirations by CMA-CGM, Shell LNG and Conoship, we defined together next steps on ‘what can be successful scale-up strategies?’, and on ‘what next steps can be made in collaboration?’.
Be part of this common journey, and join our follow-up sessions and next Innovation Workshop in 2019!
See Workshop Scaling-up alternative fuel solutions-2 pager
– BICEPS Network Innovation Workshop – “Alternative fuels; from ideas to plans!?”
Inspirational BICEPS Network Innovation Workshop on September 21st for cleaner ocean shipping with shippers, carriers and solutions providers. Based on input from MSC, MOL, and Hapag-Lloyd sustainability executives, the dialogue started for realizing sustainable logistic chains with a focus on alternative fuels. Committed people to work on real breakthroughs and willing to take next steps together!
See #BICEPSNetwork
– BICEPS Network has sent letter to support of EU action on ship CO2 emissions to boost IMO process in EP Plenary on 15th of feb together with other organizations like ports and Transport&Environment. See more <here>.
– With a coalition of 51 industry leaders BICEPS Network is calling for action by IMO Member States on reducing shipping emissions. See more <here>.
– Press release – Introduction of BICEPS Rating System to stimulate more sustainable ocean shipping.
– Sustainability challenges for shipping
– Contribution to Paris Climate Conference 2015-COP within the 80-days campaign climate actions in transport